Moving Searchlights GIF Moving Searchlights GIF
Horizontal rule made of white dots moving like chaser lights
A Design, Consulting, and Service Organization providing technical support to the Entertainment Industry, Theatres, and Schools.
Horizontal rule made of white dots moving like chaser lights
Contact Information
================== The Dimmer Doctor ==================
d-caso - a Design, Consulting, and Service Organization
205 West Naomi Drive Unit #1 Office:+1.239.353.6691
Naples, FL 34104-9591 Cell: +1.239.682.7909
MailTo: Fax: +1.239.353.6691
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Visit The Dimmer Doctor's Page of Troubleshooting Hints

Visit The Dimmer Doctor's Page of Troubleshooting SCRs with a Meter

So You Want to Build a Dimmer?

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Phone: (239) 353-6691